175. Only 2 species, common ragweed and cocklebur of 100 or more Ambrosiaceae of North America are reported as having been introduced into Japan. 176. The loss of area is believed due to a filling or blocking off of catalyst pores. 177. It is usual for any new device to be preceded by other related devices. This tachometer, for example, bears some resemblance to a miniature Van de Graaff generator. 178. Included in this paper are the calculations which will permit a correction for direction of stress. 179. However, a component of the stress gradient vector would then be required to be introduced into the z component of the equation of motion, unless other considerations show it to be negligible. 180. With the experiments having been carried out, we started new investigations. 181. As with most research, the electrophysiological investigation of learning has raised more questions than it has answered. From the mass of experimental data new conceptual problems have emerged. Some random examples may be briefly noted. 182. Whatever the nature of the metal, the slower the rate of cooling the larger will be the size of the crystals after solidification. 183. Eq. (22) is simply a rearrangement of Eq. (20), with summation substituted for integration. 184. Balancing is done by adjusting the position of rods. 185. As shown by Weart and Mack, a normal eutectic has three definite structures: the grain structure, the colony structure, and the eutectic mixture structure, each being contained in the one preceding it. 186. The number of electrons per square metre of surface between the plasma and the vacuum is estimated from the average lifetime and the flux to be as follows. 187. To summarize the findings of this tremendous work would require many pages. 537