149. Magnesium oxide is reported to be a scorch retarder and stabilizer which improves retention of properties during high temperature exposure. 150. Otto cycle engine. In cases where the exhaust pressure is less than the intake pressure, cycles are analyzed as for the supercharged case, the method described by Bonamy being used in preference to that by Hottel et al. 151. The geologist's first task is to locate geological conditions suitable for the existence of oil. 152. Hydergine is known to abolish the renal vasocon-stric-tion induced by epinephrine and it prevents the renal hyperemia induced by pyrogen. 153. In order to be near the mid-region of adrenal secretory capacity, the experiments to be described in the section that follows were done with 0,01 unit of ACTH. 154. Boyle was the first to have a clear concept of «element», «compound» and «mixture». 155. In 1934 the statement was retracted and the degradation products declared to be devoid of significant activity. 156. Rich deposits of iron ore having been discovered, we began to build a blast furnace. 157. Distribution of chromosome number was particularly stable through 5 months of cultivation, there being little variation about the low ploid modes. 158. Hence we must consider the optimization of the noise figure anew, but now the extra requirement is that the bandwidth should not become smaller than a given value. 159. Regardless of the measure chosen, endotoxins extracted at low temperature by the aqueous ether method were found to contain less lipid than phenol-water or TCA extracts. 160. The property of plastics being superior to that of wood, the designers are believed to be working at the problem of replacing the latter wherever possible. 535