Мы будем переводить этот текст в течение часа, когда он придет. Помните! Каждый английский глагол в предложении не только обозначает действие, но и показывает, как это действие протекает. На характер действия указывают различные окончания, вспомогательные глаголы и обстоятельства времени. EXERCISES То be I. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Is your friend a student? 2. What is his friend? 3. Are you Petrov? Who are you? 4. What are your favorite sports? 5. Are you Russian? 6. What are you interested in? 7. You are always present at the lectures, aren’t you? 8. How old are you? 9. Is your friend eighteen? 10. What is the date? II. What day was it yesterday? 12. Is it warm or cold out-of-doors? 13. Are you sorry that you didn’t come on time? 14. Are some of your friends ill now? 15. Is anybody absent? 16. How many minutes'were you late for the lesson? 17. What were you busy with? 18. Who is to blame? 19. How far is it to Moscow? 20. It is not far to the next village, is it? II. Поставьте четыре вопроса к каждому предложению. 1. This international conference was in the town of Moscow. 2. The streets of London are always of great interest to tourists. 3. England is one of the most powerful countries in Europe. 37