2. Использованы наречия already, just, ever, yet, etc. 3. Время действия не истекло: today, this year, this month, etc. PATTERN 12 Past Perfect Tense had + Past Participle (3я форма глагола) Употребляется: 1. Для выражения действия, законченного к определенному моменту в прошлом. I had written a report by 5 o'clock yesterday. 2. В предложениях, в которых одно действие совершалось раньше другого. I had written a letter and was listening to the radio, when he came. We had translated this text by 5 o’clock yesterday. by 7 o’clock by 1992 by this (that) time when he came etc Who had translated this text by 5 o’clock? Had you translated this text by 5 o’clock? Yes, we had. No, we hadn’t. What text had you translated by 5 o’clock? You had translated this text by 5 o’clock, hadn’t you? PATTERN 13 Future Perfect Tense 33