![]() ![]() 6. Frankly speaking, I am not a man of courage at all. What about you? 7. She is reserved and sad. And on the whole she is a pessimist. 8. He is an outstanding personality! Such a clear head! Such a dreamer! 9. Pensioners are seldom dreamers. 10. He never works hard at work; he is an ordinary idler and a bore as well. On the whole he is an absolute nothing. Урок 5. 1. Do your children often smile? 2. My grandpa is a terrible panic-monger: he never smiles and talks over his problems rather seldom. 3. His dad is so great! He always smiles and he is never angry with me. 4. Is your husband a scientist? - Yes, he is, that’s why he is at home so seldom: you know he works both on Saturdays and on Sundays. 5. Frankly speaking, your son isn’t a blockhead, he is just a real idler, although, to tell the truth he is bad at math. 6. He is late so often, so he almost always goes to work by taxi. - True! It is in his way! 7. Are you good at languages? - I think so. You see, I speak both English and Russian quite fluently. I am a journalist and generally speaking I am a sociable person. 8. Her cousin is a stay-at-home. She seldom goes even to see her relatives. 9. Your children always giggle at me, so it’s naturally, that I lose temper, especially in the evenings when I am tired after a hard working day. 10. My husband and I always quarrel and then make it up...That’s our life! Урок 6. 1. Frankly speaking, she is a fascinating woman and a hard-worker as well. By the way, she can cook and, to my mind, she cooks every day. 2. My dad is an outstanding personality: he is a great optimist and always hopes for the Best. 3. Can you drive a car? - No, I can’t, but my husband can. 4. Your brother is a real charmer! I’ve got a feeling, that he never fights and can’t use strong/bad language at all! ![]() ![]() |