плавание - swimming по городу - over the town подводное - underwater посвящать - to dedicate to; to devote to после окончания - after finishing праздновать - to celebrate принимать участие - to take part (in), to participate (in) просматривать газеты - to look through, to run through newspapers пятилетний юбилей - a five-year anniversary разносить - to deliver распространять - to spread рафинированная публика - refined audience ребенок - a child; an infant; a baby; a kid разг. сенсационный материал - feature сотрудник газеты - a contributor спорный - arguable статья - an article стихи - poem(s) строка - a line существовать - to exist так и - simply, just... туристическая фирма - tourist agency уважать - to respect, to have respect (for) увлекаться - to be keen (on smth.); to take a fancy (to smb.) уйти на работу - to leave for work утренняя газета - morning newspaper чудный - wonderful, marvellous чужой (беспризорный ребенок) - a gutter-child КЛЮЧИ. Урок 1. 1. He often plays the fool. 2. Does he often play the fool in the evenings? 3. How often does he lose temper? 4. He never loses temper. 5. He usually gets out of bed on the wrong side and often loses temper on Mondays. 6. Why do you always see daylight? 7. He never works hard and usually plays the fool at work. 8. My husband hardly ever loses temper. 228