§ 45. Количественные числительные hundred, thousand и million не употребляются в форме множественного числа, т. е. не имеют окончания -s: ten thousand books Five hundred schoolchildren were present at the meeting. Однако в тех случаях, когда указанные числительные обозначают неопределенное количество, они употребляются во множественном числе с окончанием -s. В этих случаях после числительного обычно следует существительное с предлогом of: Thousands of people took part in the demonstration. Millions of Soviet schoolchildren go in for sports. ПОРЯДКОВЫЕ ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ § 46. Таблица порядковых числительных 4th fourth [id:0J 5th fifth [fif0] 1st first [fa:st] 2nd second ['sekand] 3rd third [0a:dj 6th sixth [siks0] 7th seventh [sevn0] 8th eighth [eit0] 9th ninth [nain0] 10th tenth [ten0] 11th eleventh [i'levn0] 12th twelfth [twelf0] 13th thirteenth ['0a:'ti:n0] 14th fourteenth ['fo:'ti:n0] 15th fifteenth |'fif'ti:n0] 16th sixteenth ['siks'ti:n0] 17th seventeenth ['sevn'ti:n0J 18th eighteenth I'ei'ti:n0] 19th nineteenth ['nain'ti:n0] 20th twentieth [4wentn0j 21st twenty-first; 22nd twenty-second; 23rd twenty-third; 24th twenty-fourth 30th thirtieth ['03:tn0J 40th fortieth ['fo:tii0J 50th fiftieth ['fiftn0J 60th sixtieth ['sikstnQj 70th seventieth ['sevntn0] 80th eightieth ['eitn0j 90th ninetieth ['naintn0] 100th —hundredth ['hAndrid0] 101st—hundred and first ['hAndrid an 'fa:sf] 42