That is no problem. I can easily find it for you. What will you give me if I do it for you? I will give you all my dresses and my toys. Thank you, but I do not want your dresses and your toys. Can I be your friend, sit near you at the palace table, eat from your golden plate, drink from your golden cup and sleep near you in your lovely bed? Oh, yes, yes! I’ll do everything if you just bring me my golden ball. (К зрителям.)! think, that the frog can live only near the water. Принц-лягушка достает мяч и отдает его принцессе. Она хватает мяч и быстро уходит. Принцесса убегает. Принц-лягушка остается один. Конец сцены. СЦЕНА 2 Декорации: дворец, стол, стулья, дверь. За столом сидит король, принцесса вбегает и быстро закрывает дверь. What are you doing? You know, dear father, I walked in the garden near the pond and threw my golden ball in it. Then I met the Frog and promised it to take to our palace, if it found my ball. And now I don’t want the ugly frog to come into the palace. I have always taught you to be kind and to do and say what you will do. Go and open the door and invite the frog to dinner. Принцесса открывает дверь, Принц-лягушка заходит, садится за стол и начинает есть. My lovely daughter, why didn’t you eat? I am not very hungry and didn’t want to eat. (К зрителям.) I didn’t want to eat from the same plate as the frog and drink from the 79