Sit down, Tom. Tom obeys unwillingly. He takes out a cork or a piece of chalk with a thread and puts it into his mouth. He does it quite secretly. Mary ties the threads together and then ties one of the thread to the table or a chair. All this done in such a way that the public can see everything. Then Aunt Polly lights the candle and suddenly thrusts it almost into Tom’s face. He cries and all the public can see Tom’s «tooth». Сценарий сказки «The Frog Prince» Действующие лица: Frog Prince Ведущий Декорации: сад, комната дворца, спальня принцессы. После окончания каждой сцены — занавес. Костюмы для актеров: костюм принцессы, короля, костюм и головной убор лягушки, костюм принца. СЦЕНА 1 Декорации: дерево, пруд. Принцесса гуляет около пруда, подбрасывая и ловя мяч. Many years ago lived a king, who had beautiful daughter. They lived in a very large palace. Around the palace there were wonderful gardens. One day the little princess went to the garden to play with her golden ball. This is my golden toy. It is my favourite toy. (Подбрасывает мяч вверх.). Oh, how high can I throw it! (Бросает мяч в пруд, плачет.) Oh, I shall never see my beautiful ball again. The pond is so deep! What is the matter, little princess? Why are you crying? (оглядывается ): Oh, what do you want, you ugly, old frog? I’ve lost my beautiful golden ball forever because it’s fallen in the pond. 78