1. отпугнуть П The high prices turned away prospective buyers. 2. дать от ворот поворот, не пускать; прогнать J When the famous singer appeared at the theatre, crowds of people were turned away, for lack of room. I Clerical workers and secretaries were turned away by gangs of men when they arrived at work. turn down 1. приглушить, уменьшить (звук, свет) U Please, turn down the radio. It’s too loud, i They turned down the lights and began to dance. 2. отклонить, отвергнуть, отказать i They turned down his proposal. If she offers to help, I’ll turn her down, l His request for a raise was turned down. turn in (inf) 1. пойти на боковую (лечь спать) I Before turning in for the night he asked for an early morning call. I I turned in early last night. 2. настучать, накапать (донести на к-л) I / saw the student cheating, and I thought it was unfair, but I wouldn't dare turn him in. □ He turned them in to the police for playing pranks that endangered the lives of others. turn on 1. открыть (кран); включить (свет) □ Jack turned on the water. I Who turned on the light? 408