a sob story душещипательная история I Most rich people receive letters telling sob stories and asking for money. a sofa spud (Am si) телеман; фанат «ящика» (смотреть телевизор, жуя и лежа на диване) He’s getting to be a real sofa spud. a soft spot слабость; слабинка I'm not surprised he married Maria. He’s always had a soft spot for Italians. a soft touch безотказный, уступчивый The child is spoilt; he knows his mother is a soft touch. n sore point/spot больное место; больной вопрос Gambling has been a sore point with him since he lost a fortune hotting on horses. n soul mate родственная душа/натура I He was a fellow spirit, a soul mate. n specimen (inf) типчик; фрукт; чудак You're a useless specimen-you can’t even wash up without breaking something. n spoil-sport кяйфоломщик It can ’(be time to go home yet. Don't be a spoilsport and leave now. n spoof пародия; пасквиль I The play is a spoof of the 18th-century monarchy. a spread пир горой The retiring chairman wns given a spread on his last day ot the firm. о square (si) 34