Safeguard your equanimity. Satisfaction and gratification. Secularize and scientize. Seek for connotative terms. Select to your convenience. Separate the meaningful from the meaningless. Sequence is not in common parlance. Series in z with coefficients from/in X. Set A =1; determine A2. Set about the proof with this result available. Set theory forms a rationale behind/for analysis. Set, множество, ensemble, Menge, and kvutza. Sharp: #. Shift the stress from A to B. Shun logodaedaly. Simplify exposition. Simplism is unrewarding. Since A, it follows that B. Since A, we have B. Since A is commutative, so is A2. Since A; therefore, B. Since A = 2; A2 = 4. Singular countable nouns require nonempty determiners. Skip inessentials. Slightly generalize if need be. Small mistakes are slips or oversights. Smattering of English is a popular fixation. Solutions obey equations. Solve f (x) = 0 for x in full generality. Speak in conundrums elsewhere. Specialize to particular cases. Spell “English” vs. the “English spell.” Start is appropriate to what is animated. State theorems in words. Status relates to condition; statute, to law. Stop casting pearls before swine. Stop vilifying infinitesimals. Straightedge and compass are the Euclidean tools. Stupidity is obnoxious. Submit, make, and give estimates. Subsume equivalences in the class of preorders. Subtleties are left to connoisseurs. Suggest that A = 1; obtain B. 135