![]() ![]() Whittaker Wien Wiener Wigner Wittgenstein Wronski Yacobi Yahweh Yang Yau Yosida Yukawa Zaanen Zaremba Zariski Zassenhaus Zeeman Zeno Zermelo Zorn Zygmund Appendix 2 Mottoes, Dicta, and Cliches A is V upside down. A acknowledges that A = A. A and 1/A are reciprocals. A and B can be read off from C. A answers for {A}. A belongs to {A}; so {A} = 0 as claimed. A carries a topology. A causes no problem. A corresponds to {A}. A decreases A + 1 by 1. A divides into A2 two times. A ends in a failure. A equals AB modulo B. A equals AB to within a multiplier. A factors through dom A/ker A. A fits data well. A holds because of B. A is as a matter of definition “ A.” A is called the letter “ A.” A is commensurate to/with B. A is conceived of as a bull head. A is defined by declaring “A.” A is dependent on 2A. A is designated as A. A is devoted to formulating B. A is disjoint from A'. A is elementarily equivalent to A. A is full in A. A is given the symbol A. A is homeomorphic with/to A. A is in {A}. A is included in A U {A}. A is independent of B. A is referred to as A. A is said to be capital. ![]() ![]() |