Author Декорации: нарисованные поляна, речка; несколько бревнышек для моста. Герои одеты в соответствующие костюмы. у This is the story of the three Goats: Big Goat, Middle Goat and Little Goat. One morning Big Goat, Middle Goat and Little Goat came to a river. They looked at the green long grass on the other side of the river. We can ’ t eat it. Look at that grass. Why can’t? Why not? Can you see the bridge? There is a big Troll under the bridge. It is his bridge. So we can’t cross it. Pah! He can’t stop me. You just watch! So Little Goat came up to the bridge and started to cross it. Who is crossing my bridge? v It’s me, Little Goat. Please let me cross your bridge. I want to eat the long green grass on the other side of the river. And I want to eat you! Troll put his hands on the bridge. His fingers were very long. (thought): I can cross the bridge between his fingers. And Little Goat crossed the bridge. The two brothers — Middle Goat and Big Goat — looked at Little Goat who was on the other side of the side of the river. He was eating the long green grass. Look at our brother! He is eating the long green grass. I want to eat it too. 67