1. think/will/time/for/be/dinner/you/do/you/today/in? 2. most/thing/her/future/children/of/the/worried/only/that/was/the/her. 3. hope/here/bus/three/the/in/minutes/be/I/will. V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу. Cathy and Dennis are discussing their week-end. D:____________________________________________________ C: I went to the ballet last night. D:______________________________________________________ C: «The Sleeping Beauty». D:___________________________________________________ C: Heather Kirkland was dancing the main part and there were several new dancers as well. D:___________________________________________________ C: She usually dances well but yesterday she danced badly. D:___________________________________________________ C: Not really. I prefer disco dancing. VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скобках. 1. You are not going (никуда)____________until you finish doing your homework. 2. At present he is (делает)___________excellent progress learning 41