Nearly all contained a painkiller, either aspirin or paracetamol. These help to reduce temperature and relieve general aches and pains. Aspirin can irritate the stomach, so paracetamol is generally preferred. None of the preparations was harmful, as long as you observed the warnings on the packets. The worst thing about them was the cost. Advertising and packaging had inflated the price of relatively cheap ingredients, and in many cases you could get the same relief from straightforward paracetamol taken with a warm drink of lemon and honey. 1 to banish—отгонять 2 to relieve—облегчать Test № 24 I. Определите, верны (True) или неверны (False) слс дующие утверждения. 1. The cold research centre in Salisbury is known all over the world. 2. The pharmaceutical companies spend millions of money on developin a cure for the common cold. 3. Cold cures fell into certain categories though they actually contai the same ingredients. 4. The worst thing about the preparations, according to the author, i that they can be harmful. II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What are common colds caused by? 2. What do the pharmaceutical companies promise in their advertisements? . 3. Why is paracetamol generally preferred? 4. What caused the rise in the price of remedies for colds? 139