487. Evidence was presented that human tubercle bacilli may be lysed by bacteriophage. Also, a report was given concerning the bacteriophage-typing of various strains of atypical or unclassified mycobacteria. It was proposed that this prosedure might eventually prove to be as useful as the bacteriophage-typing of various strains of staphylococci and enteric organisms. 488. Often a set that needs a special part that must be ordered from the manufacturer comes into the shop. This means that the set will be stored until the part arrives. During this waiting period I find that the knobs and hardware have a tendency to disappear, and much time is wasted trying to find substitutes. 489. An open-pleural biopsy, which was performed in 122 patients suffering from idiopathic pleural effusion, was found to be valuable as a diagnostic procedure. Of particular interest was the report that, after a period of observation from 0 to 8 years, none of the 61 patients in whom the pathological findings were described as nospecific pleuritis have as yet developed evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis. 490. Design of the varactor octuplers (250 — 2000) is common for the two strings, only the tuning being different. The ocupler consists of three doubler stages, each using lumped elements; early experimental work showed frequency doubling to be the most efficient means of multiplication. 491. It has long been considered that S-180 is much less sensitive to host weight loss than is Ca-755. This presumption is correct if one judges from the effect of a given absolute weight loss in experimental groups of S-180-bearing mice, rather than from the difference between a treated group and its concurrent control. 492. To a considerable extent the requirements of a power reactor control system are dependent on the type of reactor and on the use made of power it generates. For example, the instrumentation and control mechanisms in a pressurized-water reactor differ from those in a gas-cooled graphite-moderated reactor, the heat transfer properties of the coolant and the behaviour of the reactor differing greatly. 493. Rather than go into the many uses of epoxies, and they vary from paving roads to filling teeth, a few of the uses to which they have been put and some of the results will be pointed out. As a patching material it has been found that a thixotropic material used with fiberglass as a laminate or a fibrous putty are best. As would be expected the larger the lap of adjoining material the stronger the job. 560