32. Hardness and tensile strenght tests are shown to be rather indirect attempts to measure the strenght of the bonds existing between the atoms of the metal. 33. Metals known to exist in more than one crystallographic form are cobalt, cerium, tin, manganese, chromium, thallium. 34. Should extreme gain stability be required, it can be achieved without degrading the noise figure. 35. Since the optical-model potential cannot be expected to take into account all interactions of the neutron with the nucleus an explanation along conservative of low-energy nuclear physics may turn out to be adequate. 36. Direct calculation of the position in a square well or oscillator potential is not accurate, absolute level positions being most sensitive to the details of initial assumptions. 37. The present era, which is distinguished by the utilization of metals in enormous quantities, may be said to have begun in 1860. 38. The original signal is reconstituted thereby, with the noise impulses «smeared». 39. Many proposals for changing the traditional methods of storing and searching for information have been made in the last decade, and some of these have already proved to be of considerable practical value. 40. Perhaps on the basis of this notion most of the recent effort expended in attempting to prove existing tables of these factors has been limited to using better atomic wave functions. 41. The occurance of metals in the earth's crust is unequal, some of them being plentiful, the other existing only in small quantities. 42. If machining is necessary, dust created must not be allowed to excape into the plant atmosphere even in small amounts. 43. Unless these two particles scatter coherently in «hard» interactions, the small deuteron binding energy should not be expected to keep them together. 504