18. As an alternative to the distributed amplifier a normal 2-stage tuned amplifier may be used. 19. The general problems of broadbanding are not peculiar to transistors and will not be discussed in great length. 20. A soft coal, however large the lumps, falls to pieces too readily in the fire and chokes it. 21. Either a wideband distributed amplifier or conventional tuned amplifier can be used. 22. The speed with which arithmetic operations are performed is affected by a number of factors. 23. In gaseous reactions the equilibrium position is largely influenced by pressure. 24. A reasonably uniform electrical output is obtained regardless of the relative orientation to the sun. 25. The boiling point on the centigrade scale is 100° and that on the Farenheit is212°. 26. The amplified signals drive the two synchronous motors. 27. Of all the senses, vision is the only one that can make us directly conscious of things at great distances. 28. Above onegigacycle sky noise due to air, water vapor and rain increases as frequency increases. 29. An electroscope can be used to tell if a body is charged positively or negatively. 30. Radio relay systems are subject to severe selective fading due to multipath effects. 31. The evaporation increases with the temperature, other things being equal. 32. In this way each of the waveform gates is switched on in turn for one line period. 482