Giant Spring Autumn North Wind Декорации: дом Великана, сад (несколько деревьев), цветы, листья, забор, табличка. Костюмы: на Великане и детях старинная английская одежда. Музыкальное оформление: П.И.Чайковский «Времена года», запись птичьих голосов. Дом Великана, сад (несколько деревьев), цветы Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to do and play in the Giant’s garden. Звучит музыка, заходят дети, садятся в круг. It was a large garden with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers, and there were twelve peach-trees that in the spring-time broke out into blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat in the trees and sang. Звучит музыка с птичьими голосами, дети танцуют. How happy we are here. One day the Giant came back. He had been to visit his friend and had stayed with him for seven years. Звучит устрашающая музыка, появляется Великан. It is my own garden. Anyone must understand that. And I will allow nobody to play in it but myself. I will build a high wall all around it and put up a notice-board. Trespassers will be prosecuted! Вход воспрещен! Нарушители будут наказаны! Не was a very selfish Giant. The poor children had no anywhere to play. 106