No, my dear Queen, your small friends are very nice. They have wonderful dresses, nice hats and beautiful shoes. And I want to make my acquaintance with them. (Берет мяч и бросает его одному из детей.) What is your name? My name is... (Возвращает Санта Клаусу мяч.) And what is your name? (Бросает мяч следующему.) My name is... (Возвращает мяч и игра продолжается.) Oh, I am glad to meet you. And do you know what holiday we celebrate today? (SK
fSK Yes, we do. We celebrate New Yearl Yes, you are right. And do you know any poems about this holiday? Q They know nothingl But I... Stop! I want to listen to my little friends. And if you speak again I shall make a piece of ice of you! Do you understand me? ОК. Лучше помолчать, а то он действительно превратит меня в кусок льда. Oh, children! What poem do you know?