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Урок 4. Времена английских глаголов (продолжение). Future Perfect/ Future Continuous/ Future Perfect Continuous/ Future-in-the-Past/ Future Perfect in-the-past/ Future Continuous in-the-past. Согласование Времен (Sequence of Tenses).

8. Согласование времен (повторение)

Таблица временного сдвига в придаточном предложении в Прошедшее Время

Время I take my son to school every day
Present Simple I said that I took my son to school every day
Present Continuous I said that I was going to take my son to school every day
Past Simple I said that I had taken my son to school the previous day
Past Continuous I said that I was taking my son to school the previous day
Present Perfect I said that I had taken my son to school the previous day
Present Perfect Continuous I said that I had been taking my son to school
Past Perfect I said that I had taken my son to school the previous day
Past Perfect Continuous I said that I had been taking my son to school
Future Simple I said that I would take my son to school the following day
Future Continuous I said that I would be taking my son to school every day
Future Perfect I said that I would have taken my son to school
Future Perfect Continuous I said that I would have been taking my son to school…

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